Nanouk Plant

​The tough and mighty Nanouk plant was developed in 2012 in Sappemeer, The Netherlands and is sometimes referred to as Fantasy Venice. Nanouk originated in Central/South America until recently when two selected seedlings of Tradescantia albiflora were cross-pollinating giving us the breed we grow today.

The compact yet sprawling and upright Nanouk is considered a fast grower, typically reaching a height and width of just under three-and-a-half feet. The leaf varies in shades of green, light purple, grayish green, pink, and cream.

The Nanouk grows best in bright indirect sunlight to full sun in temperatures between 55° and 75°. As with most houseplants, overwatering is more problematic than under watering, therefore allow the soil to become almost dry in-between watering and then water thoroughly. A good rule of thumb is to start with watering once a week and adjust as needed. 

The Nanouk does not need fertilizer as over-feeding can lead to brown leaf tips. If you do want to fertilize your plant, use half to quarter strength solution (I use Miracle Grow) twice a year.

To keep your plant looking more bushy pinch back top growth to promote new, lower growth. Freely trim off leggy cuttings and simply poke them into the soil as they will quickly take root and fill out your plant. 

*Keep pets away from Tradescantia plants as the sap can cause stomach upset if ingested and may cause dermatitis if it comes in contact with the animal skin.


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