Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

Photo: Frank Giugliano

According to the growth of my Money Tree I should be well on my way to becoming wealthy. The 2 yo beauty has been growing about a foot each year and its leaves have tripled in size. 

As I'm beginning to notice yellowing of the lower leaves (shown below) I decided to transplant  the money tree to a bigger pot. While yellow leaves is commonly associated with overwatering, I don't over water my plants so I have ruled that out. 

Money Trees prefer a humid exterior but don't be fooled into thinking you should keep the roots wet. Let your Money Tree dry out in-between waterings. The top should look and feel dry to touch before you water it again. Most people prefer to water theirs once a week although some swear that once a month is sufficient. You'll have to see what works for you.

While the money tree is a common indoor houseplant that can grow 3 to 6 feet potted, in its natural habitat you will see them reaching heights of 60 feet.

Money Tree with yellowing leaves can indicate possible over-watering,
humidity issues or time for a bigger pot.

Money Tree Care:

  • Medium to bright indirect light
  • Saturate your money tree once a week or less. When watering let water run through the pot fully but make sure to not keep water pooled at bottom. Dump excess out.
  • Best temperatures are 65º-80º
  • Fertilize once a month when it is producing new leaves


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