Trees Take Deeper Root

My front yard is beginning to come to life as all the dormant trees and perennials slowly show what they've got. With, believe it or not, 9 trees in my front yard alone, the property goes from drab to lush as leaves fill what appears to be empty space. The greatest memorial I have created is through the use of trees, each memorializes the loss of a close loved one and has been specifically planted with a person in mind. Here on the left is a weeping #katsura tree I bought three years ago to honor my grandmother and to it's left (and out of frame) is my newest addition in memory of my father. The #magnoliavirginiana or #sweetbaymagnolia tree was purchased for my house by my first cousins and was waiting for me at home as I returned from my fathers funeral. It had been beautifully wrapped in a funerary purple ribbon. What an amazing thoughtful gift from my cousins. A piece of history and a reminder of my father that I will care for year after year.


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