Go Away Winter

In my somewhat (many) years on this planet I have yet to experience a winter such as the one that we are currently enduring here in the northeast. Snow, snow and then some more snow mixed with rain that eventually turns into snow is the weather pattern of the season. This might have been exciting had I been a 10 year old boy who (would be) looking forward to school closures, but alas I am not and in fact my place of business has not offered one stinkin' snow-day.

With that said I have a few worries regarding my established yet still young shrubs and trees. Some are absolutely covered in mounds of white while others are bending to the weight of the now icy snow mixture. Luckily tomorrow will warm up with temperatures projected in the 50s and plenty of rain, hopefully enough to wash away most of the lingering mounds of snow.

My only hope is that the root systems have established themselves enough to keep my young little plants holding on just long enough to endure a few more weeks of this treachery before springs relieves us with its mixed days of warmth and cold, sun and rain and of course that last snow storm that hits when least expected.

Let's hope!

First season magnolia (left)

The very curious Royal Empress trees

The snow drifts are out of control


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