My Little Pumpkin Patch

Once when I was a child I bought a pack of seeds (through mail order) from the winner of New York's largest pumpkin grower. My father and I tended to the one pumpkin plant, following all instruction including pruning all but one flower and laying hay over the soil as to avoid the pumpkin from rotting. Fast forward 25 years and I've decided to take on the venture once again!

Last Halloween pranksters dropped off about 10 pumpkins on my front porch which I took delight in and placed throughout the yard. Over the winter I left them as a food source for the squirrels. Come this spring many seeds germinated and the idea clicked once again.

I transplanted two of the strongest looking seedlings into my homemade wooden garden box and they quickly took off. My first pumpkin has appeared and I will now prune back all other flowers as to provide all sustenance to this one pumpkin.

For the second vine I will let a few smaller pumpkins grow. Below is the beginning of what i hope will be a very large and hopefully shapely pumpkin. Stay tuned to watch the progress!


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