Pansies from Patty

My wonderful neighbor Patty showed up at my door with a pot of pansies and a bottle of wine.  Just a little gesture to cheer me up after going through a bit of a rough patch. The kicker is, Patty has been undergoing chemo, a double mastectomy and radiation for breast cancer which she was diagnosed with last year. A couple weeks ago after falling from a dizzy spell two malignant tumors were discovered on Patty's brain. Surgery has successfully removed one tumor and the other will be treated with radiation. During all this Patty has kept a smile on her face and strength in her heart.

Below are the pansies, now planted under my horn beam tree. Given to me as a gesture to cheer me up because of my "rough patch". It's almost silly to think I should have anything to complain about. These flowers make me smile every time I look at them. What an amazing lady Patty is to still be thinking of others while undergoing such a tremendously stressful time in her own life. Much love and admiration for this woman. A true hero to look up to and be honored.


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