
Showing posts from July, 2012

Childhood Memories of Honeysuckle

Growing up I can remember  50' hedge of honeysuckle that separated my parents house from the neighbor's house. Long ago removed and replaced with artificial fencing, the memory has stuck with me. In the early morning and at night the sweet fragrance of Honeysuckle is one of my favorite childhood memories. Not the new 'designer' honeysuckle. While the colors are prettier and the flowers large, the new varieties do not emit the same fragrance. I purchased this classic Honeysuckle this summer. I will let it grow on its own terms all over my fence.

Mushrooms On A Rainy Day


Minimalist Entry With Cats

My entry though the living room is as minimalist as can be. Dark espresso hard oak floors contrast the stark gray wall color. White trim brightens up the space. (as do my two cats)

When Life Gives You Lemons, Pick a Tomato

Sometimes the day ends quite differently from what was expected. Who's to label it "bad" or "good"? Certainly not me. It was just unexpected and a bit disappointing. However, I came home to my first sun ripened tomatoes! Grown in a wood box I constructed with my father, the vegetables are doing quite well.

Petunias in Montauk

Away for the weekend at Gurney's Inn, in Montauk Long Island. Expanding my nature spotting!

Royal Empress Tree

People have stopped in their cars and while walking by to ask me what the hell I'm growing on my curb. This is a first year (5 month old Royal Empress) which appears to be a giant beanstalk reaching to the sky and certainly does not appear to be a tree. However, in it's 2nd year the large leaves will fall and the trunk will turn woodsy. This is the fastest growing shade tree you can grow. So far it's been a joy watching the rapid progress. This sterile variety will not spread like rapid fire.

Coral Bells (Heuchera)

I have two varieties of Heuchera but this one with its gold/light green and light burgundy leaf variation is by far my favorite. The color has changed in tone throughout the spring and summer. Mid-summer it seems to be at peak color.

The Everblooming Red Hydrangea Turned Purple

I bought this "Red" Hydrangea this spring and until last week al the blooms were in fact red. To my surprise the flowers decided to make themselves purple which is fine with m since  purple is my favorite color. I wonder if the spring color is red and summer purple? Guess I'll have to wait until next spring to find out!